Join the “Agent Obsessed”
Real Estate Brokerage
Have more FREEDOM and FUN in your real estate career. Learn about the cloud-based brokerage model with over 40,000 agents changing the direction of the real estate business in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Portugal, France & India. Come be part of the fastest growing real estate company in history!
eXp Canada at-a-Glance
Business Model
What are the fees to join eXp Realty?
Broker fees (CDN):
$199 start-up fee
$139/month cloud brokerage fee
Broker transaction fees (CDN):
$29/transaction broker review fee
$17/transaction risk management fee ($200 annual cap)
Instructions: Be sure to name the person on the Global Realty Team who referred you as your sponsor when you join.