Join the “Agent Obsessed”
Real Estate Brokerage
Have more FREEDOM and FUN in your real estate career. Learn about the cloud-based brokerage model with over 40,000 agents changing the direction of the real estate business in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Portugal, France & India. Come be part of the fastest growing real estate company in history!
Harness the power of eXponential growth to become financially free!
Compensation Plan
- 80 / 20 Split Nationally
- $16,000 Cap, then 100% commission
- Do 20 deals after capping, get all $16K back in stock (transactions, referral fees & leases count)
- No desk fees or franchise fees
- Up to 3.5% gross commission paid to Agent
- Cascading Revenue Share
- NO Limit on the amount an Agent can earn!
Cascading Revenue Share
- Agents at eXp Realty can receive residual income from productive agents they sponsor into the company.
- Earn up to $2,800 annually for EACH agent you personally introduce to eXp.
- Revenue share is paid out of company dollar and doesn't reduce agent commission.
- Earn up to 7 levels of the revenue share by qualifying.
- Grow your team internationally, without risk or liability.
- There is no limit to what an agent can earn. This is in addition to your commission income!
Powerful Equity Opportunities with Stock
- NASDAQ public company (EXPI) Agents become shareholders.
- Earn shares on your first transaction
- Earn shares when you fully CAP
- Earn shares when an agent you sponsor closes their first transaction
- Purchase shares of EXPI on Nasdaq on deals you close by enrolling to contribute 5% of every transaction with stock at a 10% discount
Instructions: Be sure to name the person on the Global Realty Team who referred you as your sponsor when you join.